Get Clients Now Bundle ends September 23!

Click here to sign up for the bundle!

It's hard to make money and an impact when you don't have clients in your business.

You have an offer that you've been waiting to put out there to your audience and you know it's good. It's time to ask for the sale. The problem is that you're SUPER scared to put it out there. What if they don't buy it and you get crickets? Not only is the negative talk and self-doubt getting in the way, but you're unsure if that's HOW you're supposed to get clients. Am I doing the right thing? Am I taking the correct steps?

You want a seamless, easy way to get people to buy from you. You want to feel confident that when your audience sees an offer from you, it's something they want and they become clients. This may sound like a fantasy, but it's not. This is how my audience responds to my offers and your audience can respond that way too!

The Get Clients Now Bundle is here!

The Get Clients Now Bundle is to help you go from spinning your wheels with frustration to getting clients into your business.

The Get Clients Now Business consists of 30+ digital products with courses, templates, toolkits, and workshops to help you get clients with confidence! 

With so many products at your disposal, YOU get to choose how you want to get clients into your business: social media, email marketing, collaboration, speaking, and more!

Click here to sign up for the bundle!

Hey, I'm Kristen!

When I started out online back in 2015, I was finding it difficult to get clients. As a result, I wasn't making any money in my business. I started to lose confidence in myself and if I could run an online business. I had all the pieces to get clients but I wasn't sure how to put them together. Also, I didn't want to create a complicated system to get clients into my business. I just wanted the most simple way to get people to buy from me and that I could do it with confidence.

It took some time but over the years, I nailed it! I've had back-to-back $65k+ years in 2020 and 2021. I know how to simply get clients confidently into my business. I'm not spinning my wheels in frustration anymore and I couldn't be any happier about it!

How did I turn it all around? I ditched the fancy bells and whistles and did the basic things to get clients. I worked on my mindset so that I didn't doubt or self-sabotage myself when it came to implementing the strategies I learned to get clients. And I want the same for you.

I got some of my friends and colleagues together to give their best resources on how to help entrepreneurs like you get clients at a fraction of the price. That's how the Get Clients Now Bundle was born.

Here's what you'll learn with the Get Clients Now Bundle:

Strategies on how to get clients

The bundle includes courses, templates, toolkits, and workshops about social media marketing, email marketing, collaboration, podcasting, speaking, funnels, and more to help you get clients in your business.

The mindset to get clients

If you don't have the mindset to get clients, strategy is useless. The Get Clients Now Bundle also includes masterclasses, planners, and meditations on how to get your mind right so that you can be your best self when it comes to getting clients.

Here's what you get with the bundle:

  • The Storyteller's Advantage
  • 21 Point Business Tuneup Checklist
  • Get Clients Now - Social Media Blueprint
  • Get Started on Social Media
  • Online Business Systemization
  • Journal Bundle for Self Discovery
  • Start a Profitable Blog in 30 Days Ebook
  • The “5-Day Challenge” Challenge
  • Micro-Memberships
  • Get It Done Template
  • Pause the ads: Promote your lead magnet
  • 7 keys to Cultivating a Reliable Referral Network
  • Community Spark Checklist
  • Boost Energy & Focus with Healthy Habits
  • Ultimate Author Marketing & Promotions
  • Launch Your Soul-Centered Business
  • The Notion Content Database Template
  • Creating a Successful Online Business
  • Body & Breath For Stress Reduction
  • 20 Steps to Achieving Anything
  • 30 Ways to Grow & Scale Your Business
  • Facebook Group Community Kit
  • Discovery Calls That Convert
  • 3 Ways to Double Your Energy
  • Profitable Blog Workbook Bundle
  • Activating Self-Care and Self-Love
  • Facebook Groups 101
  • 10 Things to Know Before You Video
  • How to Prioritize Your Tasks
  • Social Media Made Easy w/ ChatGPT
  • The Pitfalls To Financing Your Dream
  • Five Steps To Freedom Video
  • Explode Your Audience Blueprint

Here's how the Get Clients Now Bundle works:

Step 1: Sign up for the bundle

Click the button below to sign up for the Get Clients Now Bundle.7

Step 2: Choose your products

Upon purchase, you'll be directed to a page where you will see all of the digital products. Remember, you have access to ALL of them! Choose which items can best support you to get clients into your business.

Step 3: Redeem your items

Once you've chosen your products, click on the link to redeem them. Make sure you check your email to access your products. If it's not in your email inbox, please check your spam or promotions folder.

We're also giving to charity!

Domestic violence affects men and women. It is estimated that more than ten million people experience domestic violence in the United States each year.  

That's why $1 for every purchase of the bundle will go to the National Domestic Violence Hotline.  

I have several friends and family who have been affected by domestic violence so this is a cause that is very near and dear to my heart.

About your host, Kristen Robinson

Kristen Robinson is the Lead Generation Specialist of Explode Your Audience. She helps online entrepreneurs generate leads so they can sell their online courses more easily. Kristen is also a military spouse. Her husband, Lamont, serves in the United States Marine Corps. 

Thanks to the flexibility of being an online entrepreneur, when she is not working or attending a Family Day for her husband's unit, she is playing with her Black Lab/hound mix puppy, Taichou.

Got questions? Here are some answers...

Why should I sign up for the Get Clients Now Bundle?

You should sign up for the Get Clients Now Bundle if you're an online coach, author, mentor, or speaker who is tired and frustrated with spinning their wheels to get clients. With the bundle, you get 30+ digital products to help you get clarity on how you want to get clients into your business.

With all of these digital products from these top experts, what's the catch?

Honestly, there is no catch! Click the link to sign up for the bundle and then grab the products you want from the experts that can help you get clients into your business. It's really that simple.

So, how does the Get Clients Now Bundle work?

The bundle officially opens on September 11th and closes on September 23rd, 2023. When you sign up for the bundle, you’ll have full access to all of the products AND you will be notified daily throughout the event about what products are being offered so you don’t miss anything.

For each product that you are interested in getting, click the "Give Me Access" button below that product's description. A second page will open to get access to the product. The last day to get your goodies will be September 23rd, 2023.

Why is the Get Clients Now Bundle free?

Our top experts and coaches REALLY want to help business owners like you get clients into their business. Even though we could charge for we wanted to help as many people who are serious about their business as we can. The total value of the Get Clients Now Bundle is over $2,000!

I'm all about giving but do I have to pay anything to donate to the National Domestic Violence Hotline?

Not at all! When you purchase the bundle, it will be recorded that you purchased it. After the event ends, I will be donating $1 to the National Domestic Violence Hotline for each individual who signs up for the bundle.  

There is no financial commitment required on your end. My donation is a way of saying “thank you” to you for signing up for the event and highlighting a specific cause that is special to me.

I know someone who needs this bundle! How can I share this with my friends?

I would love it if you shared this bundle with your friends! 

Here's how it works: Give them the link to the bundle ( You help out a friend and you help the National Domestic Violence Hotline (our charity for this bundle) receive more money in donations.

Final Note from Kristen

Here's the harsh truth: If you're not getting clients into your business, you have one expensive hobby. You didn't get into entrepreneurship just to have a hobby that takes money and drains your time. You started your business because you wanted to help people with a certain problem and you have the solution to it. And let's be real: You also want to make money and enjoy doing it.

If you have the solution, let's get it out there! People should know about it! The longer people don't know about the solution you provide, means that there are people going through a problem you can solve and they don't have to. Sounds selfish when I put it that way - doesn't it?

So...let's get you some clients already! In the Get Clients Now Bundle, my friends and colleagues are giving you their best resources to help you get clients NOW. Let's do this!